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Verified Real Estate Leads We have a proven verification system

Don’t waste your time and money on junk real estate leads with bogus phone numbers or no real intent of speaking to an agent ever again! With Verified Real Estate’s unique and proven “TRIFECTA” verification system, every lead we provide is guaranteed to be contactable, and has
confirmed their intent to be contacted by a real estate agent.

How do we do it? How do we do it?
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Our uniquely successful “TRIFECTA” verification process contacts over 1200 raw leads we generate daily and successfully weeds out 80% of the entire lead flow. This leaves us with 20% of leads that have confirmed their intent to be contacted by a real estate agent. These leads represent the
real potential clients you want to be talking to!

Here’s how the TRIFECTA verification
process works
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    We contact all leads via phone first. If the client responds and agrees to be contacted by one of our partner Real Estate Agents, we pass the info on to you immediately via text and email and let you know that this lead should be contacted by phone first.

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    If we were unable to reach the prospect by phone, we send a text message. If the client responds and agrees to be contacted by one of our partner Real Estate Agents, we pass the info on to you immediately via text and email and let you know that this lead should be contacted via text first.

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    If we were unable to reach the prospect by text, we send an email. If the client responds and agrees to be contacted by one of our partner Real Estate Agents, we pass the info on to you immediately via text and email and let you know that this lead should be contacted via email first.

As you can see, each of the verification methods guarantee that you will be able to contact the client in their
preferred method first
Get VERIFIED Real Estate Leads